Three Strategies on How-to-Build-Your-Own-Personal-Branding

Starnotes Me
3 min readApr 8, 2021


Why does “Personal Branding” is so important? “Personal branding” may be a fairly new term to all of you, but the concept has been important to maintaining a successful career path. Every action you take helps others define you. Personal branding goes a long way toward cultivating your tribe, as well as your customer base. Those things are an essential part of your business and career.

In the age of social media, a personal brand is important to almost every career, as research undertaken by CareerBuilder shows that 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process. Ensuring your sense of self is conveyed well on social media can therefore be a vital part of finding and maintaining a job[1].

When people are familiar with your personal brand, they are more likely to hire you, and pay more for your time and efforts. Plus, having a respected personal brand opens doors for opportunities[2]. You shouldn’t underestimate the power of personal branding in this new era.

Here are the three strategies on How-to-Build-Your-Own-Personal-Branding:

1. Create your own personal website platform such as portfolios & testimonials to showcase your ability.

People tends to forget about one of the only digital assets they truly own: their own websites. Their own websites platform refers to their portfolios and testimonials which allows them to showcase their previous hard work and efforts. This is no time for modesty and humbleness; make your glowing testimonials nice and prominent, so your prospect hiring manager and clients can see what a great job you do.

2. Develop a sustainable and valuable content for social media .

Social media can make it easier to stay top-of-mind with clients and prospects by simplifying the process of being visible. It is suggestible to encourage everyone to engage in a community or followers who really believe in your content posts. You can share stories from your life, inspirational quotes that have been helpful to you, and funny videos. All of this content compounded will help your followers/audiences feel as if they know you, bolstering your personal branding as well.

3. Prove Your Worth

Every art student has a portfolio ready to be shown at a moment’s notice. It’s no different in the business world. In business world, the professional has their testimonials ready to showcase. Starnotes is one of the best online platforms to show case your ability and hard works. Traces of your testimonials will never completely disappear, especially in the internet era. The more connections you make, and the more value and content you regularly add to your testimonials, the more likely you will be known, recognized, and appreciated.

Creating, building and developing your personal brand is essential whether you’re an entrepreneur, job seeker, professional worker and etc. Building a personal brand has never been more important than it is today. Anyone with access to the internet and social media can build an audience, position themselves as an expert, and start attracting clients for their business. And that’s exactly what a lot of people are doing[3].


[1] Porter, A. (2021, April 6). 5 steps to building a personal brand to help boost your career. Stylist.

[2] Li, S. (2020, February 17). 4 Personal Branding Strategies You Can Implement Today. Entrepreneur.

[3] Basu, T. (2020, September 27). How to Build a Personal Brand (Complete Guide to Personal Branding). Thinkific.



Starnotes Me

Starnotes is a private offline testimonial database to support an individual in continuously gathering testimonial for the great work or presentations!